Council budget approved
At full council on Thursday we approved the budget for 2024/5 and, if you’re so inclined, you can watch the debate on YouTube here.
I think I’ve spoken about this here more than enough over the last few months so if you want to know more then look in the archive but if you have specific questions or concerns then feel free to email me, as some of you already have.
Lethen wind farm
You may remember that back in August last year we had an application come to the South Planning Applications Committee for a wind farm to the west of the B9007 Ferness to Carrbridge road close to Lochindorb. I was appalled by the plans and said as much at the committee, proposing that we should raise an objection, which we did.
The actual decision is made at Holyrood and I’m pleased to report that we heard last weekend from the Scottish Government's Energy Consents Unit that the application has been refused.
Common Good
Nairnshire Area Committee meets at 10:30am tomorrow, Monday 3rd March and we have a single item agenda to consider various financial issues relating to the Nairn Common Good including considering and agreeing the Statement of Accounts for 2022/23, reviewing the finances for the current year to date, agreeing the budget for 2024/25, and agreeing a revised Nairn Common Good Fund Lets Charging Framework to take effect from 1st April.
I’m reading the papers today and I already have some thoughts of my own on these but, if you’ve got time, then could you at least take a look at Appendix 4 (the last two pages) and, if you do have concerns about this or anything else, then email me today.
Planning applications
The following new applications were logged since I last posted:
24/00058/FUL - 11 Marine Road, Nairn, IV12 4EA - Erection of summer house
24/00553/FUL - The Cottage, Househill, Nairn, IV12 5RY - Formation of fencing contractors yard, formation of access, siting of modular building (in retrospect)
To find details search on the reference number on the planning portal where you can also find details on how to comment.