Parking review
All four ward councillors regularly get contacted by residents about car parking issues in Nairn and we are concerned that “fixing” one issue would simply move it somewhere else so we asked officers to undertake a review of parking throughout the town.
This is now available online at for you to provide your views.
The form is, frankly, rather more generic that I would have liked and I would encourage you to concentrate on question 4 in particular “Which restrictions would you like to see reviewed? This could include location of restriction or any changes you would like to see. Please provide details in the box below” and talk there about the parking issues which concern you, be they in the town centre, at The Links, in Fishertown, in Queenspark, or in your street.
Road closures
The saga of road closures for works by BT/Openreach continues and the latest is the section of the C1170 Moss-Side Road in Nairn as shown on the map below.
The closure will begin on Monday, 25th November with signed diversions in place however local access will be maintained throughout the works.
While writing I should also mention that Nairn High Street will be closed on Saturday, 30th November for the switching on of the Christmas Lights.
Planning applications
The following new applications were logged since I last posted:
24/04138/FUL - 1 Moray Place, Nairn, IV12 4BZ - Change of use of first and second floor from (Class 4) office to residential
24/04519/FUL - Land 520M NE Of Blairnafade, Nairn - Erection of house
To find details search on the reference number on the planning portal where you can also find details on how to comment.