Bin strike action
It sounds like the intervention by our First Minister may have brought an end to the bin strikes. If so then I’m pleased as it’s the sort of progressive settlement, with larger increases for the lower paid, that I was advocating in my last post.
If the offer is accepted then this should also avoid teachers going on strike, which was also on the cards.
Brown bin collections
Garden waste collections resumed on 1st September for those who pay for a brown bin. There are some changes to collection days this year for Nairn, as discussed here and you should have had a letter about this with your new permit but I’m hearing reports that the news hasn’t got out.
You can find your new bin collection days here.
Nairn Academy
As you hopefully know by now from my posts here Nairn Academy is going to be re-built. As part of the process of doing that a pre-application consultation event is being held in person this Tuesday, 6th September at 4:30pm and 6pm at the school and there's also online events at 2pm and 4pm on Thursday, 8th. Full details here including how to join the online events. Note that this is a change to the dates and times I posted last week.
As I’ve been asked about this on social media yes, the plans do still include provision to move Nairn Library there but a decision on this has not yet been made. As you know if you’re a long term reader of this blog I publicly opposed that move during my election campaign (and I think some other councillors did too) so we will be doing our best to ensure that that doesn't happen.
East Nairnshire Community Council
Nominations to be a community councillor for fifteen councils across Highland has now closed and, sadly, not enough people put themselves forward for East Nairnshire Community Council so it will not be re-established.
The next interim election will be in March 2023 so presumably Highland Council will try again then.