As I said in my last post I’m standing as a candidate for the SNP in the Nairn & Cawdor ward on Highland Council this May and I’ve now got an infographic. Feel free to share that on your social media if you’re so inclined.
But that still leaves the question: why me? Why would I be a good councillor for Nairn & Cawdor?
Well I’ve been this way before. When we lived in England I was a local councillor for the village where we lived, which was about half the size of Nairn. The council, although covering a much smaller area that Highland Council, was involved with many of the same issues our local Highland councillors are here, like management of open spaces, providing community care to the elderly in our village, discussing planning applications, and commenting on consultations and the like. We also employed staff and contractors to do the work and I was very involved with that.
Latterly I was the chair of the council and I’d like to think we did a good job for our community. It certainly felt that way.
I’m also familiar with leading campaigns when local issues arise. Our village had a Country Park which was threatened with closure back in 2007. I lead the campaign to save it. I had to liaise with local politicians at all levels, speak to the press, both print and broadcast, and meet with companies and not-for-profits who might help us save the Park. We ran a hard campaign and mobilised local opinion on our side and in the end we won and we saved the Park.
So I’m already familiar with the sort of work involved and I think I have the skills I need to do the job and, hopefully, do it well. And it’s work I enjoy: when you’re that involved with a community you really can make people’s lives better, and that feels good.
I’d like the chance to do that again here in Nairn & Cawdor so I hope you’ll be happy to put me number one on your ballot paper in May.