As previous advertised in my last post a 1170m stretch of the A96 near Balloch lying between the B9039 at Newton of Petty and 160 metres north of Barn Church Road (shown in red on the map below) is undergoing resurfacing works from tomorrow Tuesday, 3rd December to Tuesday, 10th December and there will be overnight road closures between 7:30pm and 6:30am (but not on Friday or Saturday night).
However I regret to have to inform you that Amey have refused to put in place the diversion which I had proposed but are sticking with their original plan as shown below.
So westbound traffic will head south down the A939 Grantown Road from Nairn and turn right onto the B9101/B9090 through Cawdor to Clephanton and on to Inverness, with the same route in reverse.
I’m sure local Nairn traffic will prefer my route - using the B9006/B9090 to get from the A96 to Clephanton - but I’m afraid anyone from further afield who is following the full diversion will now be thundering through Cawdor.
I’m not best pleased.
Highland Council officers have asked Amey to consult with them on any future works on the A96 to ensure that a more appropriate diversion is put in place.