A happy new year to you all. As I’ve remarked to some people already I’m wishing everyone a boring one, both locally and globally: I think we’ve had more than enough “excitement” over the last few years.
Council Delivery Plan
The council has a “delivery plan” to deliver savings and investment across Highland over the next three years and there’s a series of videos now online looking at aspects of this so I’m going to highlight these over the next few weeks.
Here’s the first, on “reconfiguring our asset base”.
So this is about what physical assets the council has and which ones they need to upgrade or replace, the problems of the housing challenge (we apparently need to build 24,000 new homes across Highland in the next decade), and also about future management of the transport network.
Highland Visitor Levy
I first mentioned this in November and it’s finally been picked up by the press with some pretty poorly informed reporting.
Further information on the levy and the public consultation, which has now been extended until 31st March, can be found here on the council web site but if you want to know more from the horse’s mouth then Community Council Representatives and members of the public are invited to a webinar on Tuesday, 14th January from 7 to 8:30pm which will outline the Scheme. The webinar is open to all interested parties and to register a place, please click here.
Planning applications
The following new applications were logged since I last posted:
24/04804/MSC - Land South Of Belivat Cottage, Nairn - Application for matters specified in conditions 1-6 (21/03937/PIP) - Erection of house
24/04854/FUL - Land 90M SE Of Cantraydoune Farmhouse, Cawdor - Erection of house
24/04971/PIP - House Plot Opposite Mill Croft, Geddes, Nairn - Erection of two houses
24/05019/FUL - Land 100M South Of Blackpark House, Nairn - Installation of a Grid Battery Energy Storage Facility (up to 30MW) with associated development (this is site number 5 in my blog post back in August)
24/05183/FUL - Drummond Lodge, 11 Seafield Street, Nairn, IV12 4HL - Erection of extension
To find details search on the reference number on the planning portal where you can also find details on how to comment.